


My Vision for a Great Nigeria

I hold a vision that one day in our lifetime, Nigeria will be a great country the world would reckon with.  That Nigeria will become a country we can proudly say it's ours and entrust our f...

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Ayoola 2023 Political Groups

Welcome and thanks for your interest in joining Ayoola Falola to change our society. With your prayers and support, I believe our dream of a greater NIGERIA is closer to being achieved.  We...

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Who would push me

It is about that time and season when men push men to run for political office. I have waited to see if anyone would push me, no one has dared. Well, I am done waiting - I am beginning to take char...

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Social Media Censorship Bill: How it affects us [Radio Interview]

[Radio Interview] The social media censorship bill recently passed second reading in the Nigeria Senate. What is this bill about? How does it affect us as a nation?

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How attention fathers a good story

Attention is the key; having a eye on the goal, having patience; giving ears to listen well to other people's "stories" and giving it a "little thought". Having the eye on the goal is a bedrock for...

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Congratulations Ibadan - now you deserve to move forward

Ibadan, "Ilu Ibadan", YOU've been the town that benefited the most from the giant strides of the Ajimoshe administration; yet, you nearly interrupted the works of a transformation.

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Don't boycott DSTV, boycott your government

Some Nigerians sure don't know how (and when) to express their dissatisfaction over deprivation they suffer. Before you boycott DSTV or GOTV, before you turn off your decoder, read this:

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Is your vote for President Jonathan dependent on his success on Boko Haram?

Please participate in this opinion poll. Is your vote for President Jonathan Dependent on his success on Boko Haram?. If the Nigerian Army nab Boko Haram leader, would it be enough reason for you t...

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Embracing Innovation and Great Discovery through Acknowledgement of Originators in Nigeria [+ PowerPoint Presentation]

I think I know why most Nigerians find it hard to acknowledge the true owner of content. Same reasons they are hardly innovative; yet they seek inventions. You have stayed long enough in a society ...

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