Welcome and thanks for your interest in joining Ayoola Falola to change our society. With your prayers and support, I believe our dream of a greater NIGERIA is closer to being achieved.
We do have three sub-groups
- Political Power Group: will rally round the national political landscape and deliver a solid political structure that Ayoola 2023 will run on for a successful election.
- Financial Power Group: will strategize and implement a fundraising strategy for Ayoola 2023 vision.
- Public Engagement Group (PR & Publicity) Committee: will ensure Ayoola Falola has the right kind of image that wins the election. Being in the news for the right reasons and being in the face of the public for positive ratings is the core mandate of this community as well as expanding our reach.
- Prayer Support Group: to intercede prayerfully and ensure our objectives don’t have any spiritual hinderances. Among other prayer points, we would pray
- that our vision be achieved only if we are going to make a meaningful positive change in the society. Pray for a significant change or nothing.
- That we do not only win elections but we deliver on our promises to bring greatness to Nigeria.
- Legal Support Group: ensures our programs falls within the tenets of the law. Also sniffs through our policy documents to provide a lawful options of implementation.
Categories: governance reclaim-nigeria article

4 yrs ago