It is about that time and season when men push men to run for political office. I have waited to see if anyone would push me, no one has dared. Well, I am done waiting - I am beginning to take charge on how to better govern our society. Here am I, pushing myself.
Last year, I put forward a message on my birthday, that 2020 is a year where I no longer stand on the sideline of politics. I started to put my money where my mouth is - the year took me on a very interesting political adventure. I started attending political party meetings. I set up a political support group where we meet regularly to discuss our vision for the society and how we can bring it home.
2021, God willing - is the year I am going public with my intentions to run for a political office. All is almost set to make it a very successful kick-off of a fruitful campaign. Part of the plan is to bring in more people in my close circle to join in making this a reality.
“I believe people who think they know better have the responsibility to do better”; I am putting this into practice in Politics.
So I am asking you to please join me in achieving the vision of making our society better.
Categories: governance reclaim-nigeria article