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You are Invitated to Women's Fest 2019

To all the special women all around the world, I fecilitate with you on the occasion of the International Women's Day. The role of a woman in today's world is critical and we will be doi...



Introducing Tech Giant 24

Hello, please let me introduce you to Tech Giant 24. Tech Giant 24 is a closed-group & community of about 20 people who would get quality training and mentorship in areas of technology for 2 yrs...



Meet Ayoola Falola

Ayoola is a leading cybersecurity expert in Nigeria. He started out as a website developer in 2002 but today, he runs - an outfit that provides top-notch website development, online marketing and general marketing materials for businesses.

Meet Ayoola Falola

Ayoola is a leading cybersecurity expert in Nigeria. He started out as a website developer in 2002 but today, he runs - an outfit that provides top-notch website development, online marketing and general marketing materials for businesses.