I'm taking time to make this explanation because of some people that want to learn. I've decided to go ahead and state this explanation because of the contention on why nibsshackathon.com.ng needed the BVN.

1. BVN is a number that ideally could be traced to you. Its a form of identification mechanism. It is similar to an ID card. The number is similar to the number on your drivers license, or your international passport.

2. The BVN is linked to your bank account just like you link an ID card to your bank account, just that its the central bank that now act as the authentication agency. 

3. Government agencies prefer to ask you to provide BVN for various reasons, two of which are for the following reasons
A. Because BVN seems to be the only national ID method in Nigeria that offers an API where you can authenticate user data with what is on file.
B. BVN itself is government-backed so any government agency could easily get authorization to use it.

4. No one can steal money from your account by the virtue of just being in possession of your BVN details. In fact, no one can do anything with your BVN that they can not do with a copy of any other of your identity cards. 

4. The so-called BVN scam is not a scam using  BVN. There is usually more to the scam than what can be perpetrated with a BVN. So ideally, its safe to say that there is nothing like "BVN scam". An example of what people call BVN scam is a case when someone call you and tell you your BVN... or they say that your account has some BVN error. Such scam will proceed by asking you to provide you credit or debit card details which is actually the sensitive information that could lead to money being stolen from your account.

5. Asking for your BVN has enabled organizations to be able to verify that a user is who they say they are and that they didnt do double registration. It has helped government and corporate employers to eradicate ghost workers to some great extent. It has also allowed banks to trace their creditors and link them to other banks they may have. It is also used by NPOWER to ensure people didnt do double registration. 

Now here is the real guideline to how to protect yourself online.

1. Verify the authenticity of the organization asking you to provide information about yourself. Familiarize yourself with their privacy policy. Google the site and ask people about its genuineness.
2. Learn about how they would use any information they ask you to provide. If you are in doubt, most sites do have a contact feature.
3. Check to ensure the site is secure by checking it the URL in the address bar starts with "https"
4. Make sure your device is free of viruses and spyware. Use latest, OS antivirus and browsers. In most cases, your browser or antivirus would warn you about fake sites.

Good luck 



  • Damilare Taiwo
    7 yrs ago
    Seriously ehn, I used to be among those folks who believe money could be stolen from my bank account with my BVN. Thanks for the enlightenment.

    More importantly, we need to be a reader, ask questions all the time and not follow the crowd...
    • ExampleX2
      7 yrs ago
      Glad to know that this piece is informative. Also glad you learnt something. Thanks for the kind words.
  • Jackz
    7 yrs ago
    Yeah, was among scared folks...
    • onoyenure Lucky
      7 yrs ago
      Add a comment. mine is question. if your bvn and your credit or debit card fall into wrong hands, can they steal money from your bank account without your consent?.
      • Ayoola Falola
        7 yrs ago
        Yes, if your Credit or Debit card or details fall into the hands of criminals, they will not need any other thing to remove money from your account.

        They wouldn't even need your BVN or your PIN. All they need in most cases are the numbers printed on your cards.
    • Keita
      7 yrs ago
      I have this question, can someone have more than one bvn?
      • ExampleX2
        7 yrs ago
        It is not "legally" possible to have more than one BVN. One cannot register for BVN twice. This is one reason why BVN is becoming one of the most trusted identification mechanism in Nigeria. It is however left to the CBN and the governing body of the BVN to maintain this stance.
    • Ebuka
      5 yrs ago
      is opay a legitimate organization to give my bvn number
      • ExampleX2
        5 yrs ago
        Is Opay a legitimate business? YES! Is it safe to give your BVN to Opay? It depends on what safe means to you. Like itemized in this post, anyone who you would not give your national identity card to should have access to your BVN.
    • Klinup
      5 yrs ago
      Job ...hello, please is eoutsource a ligit organization..asking for BVN and account number as well as having your driver's license information. Instead of providing BVN and account numbers details,can't one give them International passport to use for there verification.
      • Peace
        5 yrs ago
        Pls is brach app loan legit for to give my bvn??
        • raph
          5 yrs ago
          Nice information
          • Edigue Joshua
            5 yrs ago
            I gave out my bvn to a 9jacash app, with all my bank details, but I have blocked my ATM card for now, will they still withdraw all my money from my account?
            • 5 yrs ago
              Do you know you're an idiot? If you know believe there's nothing like BVN scam writes your Bvn out, publish it , what you don't know don't write about it
              • 5 yrs ago
                I will give you just an app that wipe everything you have doesn't matter the number of account you have but once the bvn is link to them, it will wipe it out in 5 minutes
                • Cinzia okoye
                  4 yrs ago
                  Thanks so much. Is inksnation a true organization cos they are requesting for BVN no to login now
                  • 4 yrs ago
                    Thanks for the information
                    I taught you giving out your bvn to a company means they want to scam you now I know they can't scam me using only my bvn details. Thanks again for the information
                    • 4 yrs ago
                      Platform called inksnation,is it safe to give them BVN?